Monday, January 18, 2010

Catherine Tamaro, Founder of the Vitamin K Protocol, Past Presenter at Autism One, Autism Mom

January 23, 2010
from 10:30 am - 12:30pm

Lake Hills Library Meeting Room
15228 Lake Hills Blvd.,
Bellevue, WA 98007.

Our speaker will be Catherine Tamaro, Founder of the Vitamin K Protocol, Past Presenter at Autism One, and Autism Mom

Catherine will discuss the protocol that she founded called the VitaminK protocol. She founded and facilitates a yahoo discussion group forparents of children with autism and any others who are interested inusing high-dose Vitamin K to address neurological symptoms. Vitamin K isan important nutrient that may have been overlooked as a beneficialsupplement for autism. Catherine also plans to give an energy demonstration.

For directions visit:http://www.kcls. org/lakehills/

RSVPs are always appreciated.
Contact: Janelle tallcedars@comcast. net OR Sarah buggy2005@comcast. net

MOCHA is a great group, oriented toward upbeat talk about our lives, ourkids, and how to help our children develop and heal. We provide supportand exchange information. Membership is free, just come! We discusswhatever the members are interested in discussing at any given meeting.Many in the group do successful biomedical interventions toadvance/recover their children. Biomedical intervention is not arequirement, but open discussions and sharing of resources for those whowould like to learn more, occurs regularly. Come join us at a meetingto learn more!