Saturday, January 16, 2010

Classes at Fort Nisqually

Classes at Fort Nisqually
This type of class is excellent for all students, but it can especially be beneficial for students who are struggling because of it’s hands on nature.

History Detective Training
Ages: 15 Yrs. and over
Fees: $15.00
Saturday, January 30, 2010
10AM - 12PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance

Become a history detective and learn about research at Fort Nisqually's new library. You'll get to see and read the actual writings, maps and images from the period when Fort Nisqually was operating as a Hudson's Bay Company fort. A treasure trove of these primary resource materials is waiting to be explored in the fort's library. Working in small groups, you can participate in scavenger hunts to find clues and evidence concerning specific incidents in the fort's history. It's fun - and also a great way to learn the basics of how historians piece together the past.

You can register online at:

How to be a Carpet Bagger
Ages: 16 Yrs. and over
Fees: $40.00
Saturday January 30, 2010
12:00PM - 4:00PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance
Actually, this class teaches you how to be a carpet-bag maker. In earlier times, these bags were regularly made to carry people's belongings as they traveled. Bring your sewing machine and some neutral-colored thread with you and learn how to make your very own carpet bag. In this class, you'll receive a pattern and instructions for making your own carpet bag. Some sewing experience is necessary. A material list will be provided, or you can purchase the entire kit - either using modern upholstery fabric or an antique carpet remnant. Bring your own sewing machine.