Saturday, January 16, 2010

Teaching Writing Seminar

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style A

This program is a great way to help students struggling with writing. The challenges of organization are remedied through this process. This is one of the resources we use in our clinic when working with children with writing issues.

Two-Day Seminar for Teachers, Parents, Tutors, College Students
Friday & Saturday, February 4-5 8:30 – 4:15 pm
Cost: $89.00/participant (2nd family member half price)

The structure and style syllabus teaches models and techniques for English composition which logically build upon each other, allowing students to become familiar and competent with a variety of writing formats and styles. As opposed to many "creative" writing approaches, this more classical system stresses modeling and builds a firm foundation of specific skills. Students first learn to make a "key word outline" and then rewrite from their notes, thus being freed from the problem of what to write about, so they are able to clearly focus on how to write well. As they master each structural model and stylistic technique, they develop great confidence, and consequently great creativity. The syllabus then gradually moves the student from dictated content toward "the blank page" using:

Eight different structural models, including:

* Note making and summarizing from notes; limiting skills.

* Summarizing narrative stories with the story sequence chart.

* Summarizing references (without copying the encyclopedia).

* Library research reports using multiple references and fused outlines.

* Topic - clincher paragraph format, techniques for titling.

* Creative writing, letters and writing from pictures.

* Formal essays and critique formats.

The Syllabus in Style introduces specific techniques to help students:

* "Dress-up" each paragraph with six different tools.

* Use a variety of sentence "openers."

* Judiciously choose literary "decorations."

* Learn English grammar in the context of USING it, rather than just memorizing terms and identifying parts of speech.

To register go to:

Questions? Call IEW: 800-856-5815