Thursday, February 11, 2010

Autism Society National Conference

Autism Society National Conference

July 7-10 in Dallas

Plan to join us for the 41st Autism Society National Conference and Exposition at the Hyatt Regency in Dallas July 7-10. Bringing together the expertise and experiences of family members, professionals and individuals on the spectrum, attendees are able to learn how to more effectively advocate and obtain supports for an individual with ASD. The ultimate goal is to empower family members, individuals on the spectrum and professionals to make informed decisions.

Registration will open on February 15. This year all registrations will include full access to the recordings of all conference sessions as part of the registration fee.

We expect close to 2,000 attendees at this conference, representing service providers, professionals, parents, individuals on the spectrum, state and federal government representatives, nonprofits supporting autism and others. The exhibit hall has over 140 booths representing the products, services and organizations of the autism community. To become a part of the exhibit hall or learn about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Meg Ellacott at or 302-260-9487.

The call for papers is now closed. Decisions will be emailed by February 15, 2010.

Questions? Please e-mail