Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tips for Retaining and Generalizing Skills

Make it Stick! Tips for Retaining and Generalizing Skills
Presented by Carrie Sheppard, LMHC

Ever wonder why people with autism have such fantastic memories for facts, lines from movies, and other seemingly-trivial bits of information, while some of the other skills we try to teach just won't stick?

"Make it stick!" addresses autobiographical memory--a specific type of memory deficit characteristic of autistic individuals. Lack of this type of memory is partially responsible for poor generalization of social skills taught by most programs. It is also a factor in anxiety, low self-esteem, and underdeveloped sense of identity.

This session will help you learn how to promote better application of skills taught and how to nurture a more positive sense of self in children on the autism spectrum. Appropriate for: Parents and professionals

Date: April 14, 2010
Time: 7 p.m.
Fee: $20
Child care is not available for this presentation

To register go to Or call the receptionist (253)-639-7146 with a credit card to reserve your space.