Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mothers of children wtih Autism MOCHA Seattle Meeting

Mothers of CHildren with Autism "MOCHA - Seattle"
Meeting Announcement

Date & Time: Saturday, July 24, 2010 from 10:00 am - 12:00pm

Place: UVillage area Tully's, 3042A 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98105,206-525-5110.

On the south side of UVillage right behind theBurgermaster and shares a parking lot with FedEx Kinko's. Come join us!

You are invited to a meeting of MOCHA (Mothers of Children with Autism).

MOCHA-Seattle. We meet in various locations around Greater Seattle andEastside (depending on the month) on the fourth Saturday of each month,usually from 10:00am to Noon (or so). All parents (and family members)of children on the spectrum or with related developmental issues arewelcome. Childcare is not available.

MOCHA is a great group, oriented toward upbeat talk about our lives, ourkids, and how to help our children develop and heal. We provide supportand exchange information. Membership is free, just come! We discusswhatever the members are interested in discussing at any given meeting.Many in the group do successful biomedical interventions toadvance/recover their children. Biomedical intervention is not arequirement, but open discussions and sharing of resources for those whowould like to learn more, occurs regularly.

Come join us at a meetingto learn more!If you are interested in receiving future meeting announcements, go to yahoogroups and subscribe to MOCHA-Seattle, our announcement list.

(The only messages from MOCHA-Seattle you will receive are meetingannouncements and reminders for MOCHA Seattle-it is not a discussionlist.)