Friday, August 20, 2010

Homeschooling versus Public School

Homeschooling versus Public School

Alternative Learning Programs

What Are the Issues?

Join the Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) as they present the
issues surrounding on-campus and virtual public school programs
currently being marketed to homeschoolers. Janice Hedin and Val
Howard, WHO Advocacy Committee members and long-time homeschoolers,
will help you understand the differences between these programs and
homeschooling, and why it really matters.

When: Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Where: Puyallup Public Library

324 South Meridian

Puyallup, WA 98371

Cost: FREE, no registration required

 Washington’s homeschool law: its history and strengths

 History of Public School Alternative Learning Programs (PSALPs)

 Differences between homeschooling & PSALPs

 The current PSALP administrative code (rules)

 WHO’s efforts on behalf of homeschoolers in PSALP administration

 How the PSALP Programs affect and threaten homeschooling

 Alternatives to PSALPs

 What all parents can do to preserve homeschooling

For more information contact the

WHO Office

(425) 251-0439


Co-coordinator Sarah Phillipps (253) 537-9787