Thursday, January 13, 2011

MOCHA Meeting - Autism Support Group for Parents

Date and Time (Please note date change):Saturday, Januray 15, 2011
from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Place: UVillage area Tully's, 3042A 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98105,

On the south side of UVillage right behind the Burgermaster
and shares a parking lot with FedEx Kinko's.

Meeting topic: Happy New Year! What are the 2 best things you did to help
your child in 2010? What were the 2 best gains, and what are 2
interventions you plan for 2011? Come with your ideas and comments on the
topic and we'll share information. Let's work together to make 2011 a
successful year for our kids and families!