Parents who are informed are able to make the best choices for their children.

This blog was created to be a source of information about events in the Western Washington State area for parents and educators of children with special needs and learning challenges.
If you have an event that is not listed here please e-mail us complete information.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Celiac Clinic - Auburn, WA

Celiac Clinic - Auburn, WA

This group education program is designed especially for persons newly diagnosed with celiac disease, gluten intoelrances, or those needing a refresher course. Spouses are welcome. Parents/guardians should attend for/with children under 14. Course is not appropriate for young children.

Course covers:
What is celiac disease?
In-depth review of gluten-free diet
Finding gluten-free products
Meal planning and dining out
Cooking with gluten-free products
Other sources of gluten
Living healthy and happy with celiac disease
Individual 1-hour consultation (optional)

Clinic is taught in one 4-hour session (10 am to 3 pm – includes 1 hour lunch), with the option of an individual consult.

Pre-registration required.

Location: GIG Office, Auburn, WA

To register call: 253-833-6655, Mon - Fri 8:00 to 4:00 pm

A registered dietitian will teach the clinic. GIG does not process insurance claims.

Summer Camp for Kids and Teens Who are Gluten Free!

GIG Kids Camp West (Camp Sealth, Vashon Island, Washington)
Gluten Free Camp for kids

Session 4: July 19 – 24, Mon – Sat, 6 days
Session 5: July 26 - 29, Mon - Thurs, 4 days
Session 4/5: July 19 – 29, Mon – Thurs, 11 days

These dates include 3 camping options: all 10 days or 2 shorter sessions.

At Camp Sealth we will attend camp with the American Diabetes Association, and can easily accommodate children with both gluten intolerances and diabetes.

Camper spots fill quickly, especially at Camp Kanata (often by Feb). Reserve your camper’s spot early.

Camp Sealth is peanut-free. Camp Sealth also has specially trained staff for children with special needs. Please contact them directly for more information.
About GIG Kids Camps

“Way To Be Gluten-Free” Kids Day Camp

Way To Be Gluten Free Workshop for Kids

February 13, 2010

10:00 am - 2:00 pm (9:30 check-in)

Cost: $15 per child

This workshop is intended for children aged 6 to 10 years old. Parents are welcome.

PCC Natural Market, Greenlake7504 Aurora Avenue North, Seattle, WA

This fun and practical workshop is designed to empower kids with gluten intolerance to participate in meal planning and preparation. Kids will learn which foods contain gluten, where to look on labels for gluten information and what key words to look for, and then they will apply that knowledge by shopping for gluten-free ingredients in the PCC store. Our goal is to help kids work towards self-sufficiency and to become proactive in their own care. Please make sure that long hair is tied up and use close-toed shoes.

Way to Be Gluten-Free" will be conducted by TAGS teen volunteers (Teen Advocates with Gluten Sensitivities) and Cynthia Kupper, executive director of Gluten Intolerance Group of North America (GIG).
Space is limited to 15 kids. Cost: $15 per child.

To register for the workshop: Click here, call 253-833-6655, or email

Monday, January 18, 2010

Speaker Cyndi Kershner, Yoga Instructor and Autism Mom

Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 10:30 am - 12:30pm
Shoreline Library, Small Meeting Room, 345 NE 175th Street, Shoreline, WA 98155. For directions visit:

Cyndi will speak about yoga and its many benefits for the special needs community and for caregivers.
For more information please view her website at:

The last half of our February meeting will be for general autism related discussion between our members.

RSVPs are always appreciated. Contact: Janelle OR Sarah

MOCHA is a great group, oriented toward upbeat talk about our lives, ourkids, and how to help our children develop and heal. We provide supportand exchange information. Membership is free, just come! We discusswhatever the members are interested in discussing at any given meeting.Many in the group do successful biomedical interventions toadvance/recover their children. Biomedical intervention is not arequirement, but open discussions and sharing of resources for those whowould like to learn more, occurs regularly. Come join us at a meeting to learn more!

Catherine Tamaro, Founder of the Vitamin K Protocol, Past Presenter at Autism One, Autism Mom

January 23, 2010
from 10:30 am - 12:30pm

Lake Hills Library Meeting Room
15228 Lake Hills Blvd.,
Bellevue, WA 98007.

Our speaker will be Catherine Tamaro, Founder of the Vitamin K Protocol, Past Presenter at Autism One, and Autism Mom

Catherine will discuss the protocol that she founded called the VitaminK protocol. She founded and facilitates a yahoo discussion group forparents of children with autism and any others who are interested inusing high-dose Vitamin K to address neurological symptoms. Vitamin K isan important nutrient that may have been overlooked as a beneficialsupplement for autism. Catherine also plans to give an energy demonstration.

For directions visit:http://www.kcls. org/lakehills/

RSVPs are always appreciated.
Contact: Janelle tallcedars@comcast. net OR Sarah buggy2005@comcast. net

MOCHA is a great group, oriented toward upbeat talk about our lives, ourkids, and how to help our children develop and heal. We provide supportand exchange information. Membership is free, just come! We discusswhatever the members are interested in discussing at any given meeting.Many in the group do successful biomedical interventions toadvance/recover their children. Biomedical intervention is not arequirement, but open discussions and sharing of resources for those whowould like to learn more, occurs regularly. Come join us at a meetingto learn more!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Classes at Fort Nisqually

Classes at Fort Nisqually
This type of class is excellent for all students, but it can especially be beneficial for students who are struggling because of it’s hands on nature.

A Pocket for Your Projects
Ages: 16 Yrs. and over
Fees: $25.00
Saturday, March 20, 2010
1:00PM - 3:00PM
"Great Room" in Ft. Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance

What's a person to do with all those mending, knitting, or other small portable handwork projects? Make your own simple cloth bag to hold everything from craft materials to special treasures. Choose from several authentic designs to personalize your bag. Class price includes supplies. Instructor: Nancy Keller-Scholz.

You can register online at:

Classes at Fort Nisqually

Classes at Fort Nisqually
This type of class is excellent for all students, but it can especially be beneficial for students who are struggling because of it’s hands on nature.

Pacific NW History Series
Ages: 10 Yrs. to 14 Yrs.
Fees: $60.00
Tuesdays February 2, 2010; February 9, 2010; February 16, 2010; February 23, 2010
10:00AM - 12:00PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance

Can you think of a better classroom than Fort Nisqually Living History Museum in which to teach your young student about the history of the Pacific Northwest? Each class in this series of four features a theme that leads students down the path toward discovering what life was like at Fort Nisqually, the first permanent settlement on Puget Sound. Exploring the fort, examining old documents and participating in hands-on projects will show your student that studying history really can be fun. The four themed classes are: "The Company of Adventurers and Its Outpost on Puget Sound "The Many Faces of Fort Nisqually "Farming the Frontier "Digging Deep to Put It All Together For more information, contact Mike McGuire at Fort Nisqually (253) 591-5339.

You can register online at:


Before There Were Video Games
Ages: 8 Yrs. to 10 Yrs.
Fees: $15.00
Saturday, February 6, 2010
12:00PM - 2:00PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance

Before there were video games, children's toys were homemade. Learn about toys that were common during the 1800s and make a couple to bring home with you! The class includes patterns, materials and rules for making toys that were available in the 1800s.

You can register online at:


Basket Class: Make Your Own Tea Caddy
Ages: 16 Yrs. and over
Fees: $50.00
Saturday, February 20, 2010
11:00AM - 4:00PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance

The conversation piece at your next tea party could be a tea caddy you made yourself! Make your own tea caddy basket using cedar, dyed cedar and raffia. You'll learn plaiting and twining techniques, as well as how to craft a Lummi-style rim. Materials included in class price. Instructor: Judy Bridges.

You can register online at:


The American Red Cross will offer

Saturday, January 30, 2010
Kitsap Mall

Classes will begin at 8 a.m.,9:30 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2 p.m., and 3:30 p.m.

Classes consist of a video, skills test and written test, taking approximately two and a half hours to complete

Registration is limited. Pre-registration is required.

To register phone360-478-7685 or email

Classes at Fort Nisqually

Classes at Fort Nisqually
This type of class is excellent for all students, but it can especially be beneficial for students who are struggling because of it’s hands on nature.

History Detective Training
Ages: 15 Yrs. and over
Fees: $15.00
Saturday, January 30, 2010
10AM - 12PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance

Become a history detective and learn about research at Fort Nisqually's new library. You'll get to see and read the actual writings, maps and images from the period when Fort Nisqually was operating as a Hudson's Bay Company fort. A treasure trove of these primary resource materials is waiting to be explored in the fort's library. Working in small groups, you can participate in scavenger hunts to find clues and evidence concerning specific incidents in the fort's history. It's fun - and also a great way to learn the basics of how historians piece together the past.

You can register online at:

How to be a Carpet Bagger
Ages: 16 Yrs. and over
Fees: $40.00
Saturday January 30, 2010
12:00PM - 4:00PM
"Great Room" in Fort Nisqually Ed. Bldg.-Point Defiance
Actually, this class teaches you how to be a carpet-bag maker. In earlier times, these bags were regularly made to carry people's belongings as they traveled. Bring your sewing machine and some neutral-colored thread with you and learn how to make your very own carpet bag. In this class, you'll receive a pattern and instructions for making your own carpet bag. Some sewing experience is necessary. A material list will be provided, or you can purchase the entire kit - either using modern upholstery fabric or an antique carpet remnant. Bring your own sewing machine.

High School Essay Seminar

High School Essay Intensive
A One-Day Seminar for High School age students and teachers
Wednesday, February 7, 2010
8:30 – 3:30 pm
Cost: $50.00/participant (parents $25 if attending with student)

The High School Essay Prep class is an excellent way to get immediate experience and inside tips on how to do your best on the timed, 25 minute response to a prompt required on the new SAT test. Participants will actually write two full essays, carefully study and then apply the College Board evaluation criteria to sample essays, while receiving a detailed booklet of resources and suggestions for continued practice.Additionally, students will learn special structure and style tools for use in composing the college application "personal essay"—an entirely different type of writing task. The complete process will be presented: choosing the question, creating the outline, and polishing a final version. Participants will leave with a clear concept of the task, their own outline for an actual personal essay, and several new tricks and techniques to add to their repertoire. Although this seminar is specifically designed for those who will be taking the SAT or submitting college applications within the next 1-2 years (and especially those teaching such students), it is also useful for general writing practice, tools and tips. It is open to all students, regardless of their experience with IEW courses or materials. A lot of actual writing is done during this six-hour class.

Meet Andrew PudewaOur presenter is the director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and father of seven. Leading seminars and workshops throughout North America, he addresses issues relating to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. His courses for parents, students and teachers have helped transform many a reluctant writer and have equipped educators with powerful tools to dramatically improve students’ skills. Although he is a graduate of the Talent Education Institute in Japan and holds a Certificate of Child Brain Development from the Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, his best endorsement is from a young Alaskan student who called him “the funny man with the wonderful words.” He and his beautiful, heroic wife Robin currently teach their three youngest children at home in Locust Grove, Oklahoma.

To register go to:

Questions? Call IEW: 800-856-5815

Teaching Writing Seminar

Teaching Writing: Structure and Style A

This program is a great way to help students struggling with writing. The challenges of organization are remedied through this process. This is one of the resources we use in our clinic when working with children with writing issues.

Two-Day Seminar for Teachers, Parents, Tutors, College Students
Friday & Saturday, February 4-5 8:30 – 4:15 pm
Cost: $89.00/participant (2nd family member half price)

The structure and style syllabus teaches models and techniques for English composition which logically build upon each other, allowing students to become familiar and competent with a variety of writing formats and styles. As opposed to many "creative" writing approaches, this more classical system stresses modeling and builds a firm foundation of specific skills. Students first learn to make a "key word outline" and then rewrite from their notes, thus being freed from the problem of what to write about, so they are able to clearly focus on how to write well. As they master each structural model and stylistic technique, they develop great confidence, and consequently great creativity. The syllabus then gradually moves the student from dictated content toward "the blank page" using:

Eight different structural models, including:

* Note making and summarizing from notes; limiting skills.

* Summarizing narrative stories with the story sequence chart.

* Summarizing references (without copying the encyclopedia).

* Library research reports using multiple references and fused outlines.

* Topic - clincher paragraph format, techniques for titling.

* Creative writing, letters and writing from pictures.

* Formal essays and critique formats.

The Syllabus in Style introduces specific techniques to help students:

* "Dress-up" each paragraph with six different tools.

* Use a variety of sentence "openers."

* Judiciously choose literary "decorations."

* Learn English grammar in the context of USING it, rather than just memorizing terms and identifying parts of speech.

To register go to:

Questions? Call IEW: 800-856-5815

Healing the Brain Conference - Autism


February 19-22, 2010
Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Seattle area
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD PhD

Invited Guests including Neurologist and Author Eric Braverman, MD, Daniel Amen practitioner Brian Goldman, MD, Master Herbalist Donald J. Yance, Lab Analysis Expert Mark Schauss, Australian Brain Integration Expert Charles Krebs, Coagulation Expert David Berg, MAPS (system to repair brain dysfunction) creator Claudie Gordon-Pomares, Color and LIght Therapy Expert Alice Nixon, LCSW and More...


Healing the Brain Post Conference Workshop with Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD,:
Autism: The Integrative Protocol,

Sunday, February 21, 2010
3 PM to 7 PM
Hyatt Regency Bellevue (Seattle area)
Following the Healing the Brain seminar (Feb. 19-21, 2010)

In the last few years, a unified Protocol for Autism Spectrum Disorders has emerged. This will be presented by Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD. Price: $200 for practitioners Family Price: $100 (includes students and non-practitioners). Use Code HTBFP when checking out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sleep and Autism Research Project

Saturday, March 20, 201010 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Building E Auditorium, South Campus, Bates Technical College, 2201 South 78th Street, Tacoma, WA

Research, Sleep and Autism

Leigh Ann Chapman, ND

Dr. Chapman is currently involved in clinical research on autism as a condition of oxidative stress. Specifically, she is studying glutathione replacement therapies in autistic children. She is also collecting preliminary data on Vitamin D levels in families of children with autism.Dr. Chapman provides integrative healthcare in Portland, Oregon. She has a special focus in pediatric developmental disorders and utilizes both natural and conventional therapies in the treatment of Autism, Asperger syndrome, sensory integration disorders and ADHD.

Coffee Talk with TACA (Talk About Curing Autism)

Coffee Talk with TACA (Talk About Curing Autism)

Saturday, February 20, 201010 a.m.-12 p.m.Forza Coffee Company1520 Wilmington, DuPont, WA 98327

Come and receive some extra support or to chat all topics related to autism and meet other TACA families.

The Science Behind Diets and Autism:

The Science Behind Diets and Autism: Nutrition's Role in Healing and Effective Treatment

Saturday, January 16, 201010 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Building E Auditorium, South Campus, Bates Technical College,
2201 South 78th Street, Tacoma, WA

Rita Duncan, RN

Jump start your New Year's Special diet resolutions and sample tasty allergen-free food ideas for kids. Learn about the history and the science supporting dietary intervention followed by a special presentation by Rita Duncan, RN. We'll also hear from fellow parents using dietary intervention to help their children.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On-Line Chat: Emotional Stressors of Parenting a Child wtih ADD/ADHD

Jan. 13, at 11:00 am (Eastern time)

Online chat. To join the chat go to:
at 10:45 am (Eastern time) and follow the instructions on that page. This is an online chat only and no pre-registration is required!

When: Wednesday, January 13, 2009 - 11:00 am - 12:30 pm (Eastern Time)
What: Emotional Stressors of Parenting a Child with AD/HD
Who: Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, PhD

Parenting takes time, energy, and patience. While true for all parents, this is especially true for parents of children with AD/HD. Parents of a child with AD/HD constantly worry about their child's school performance, social skills, or next impulsive act. Managing a child's AD/HD can seem like a never-ending responsibility, and parents often feel they have no time for themselves, finding it difficult or impossible to take even the smallest break. This can inevitably take its toll, leading possibly to parental anxiety, depression, or just plain stress.

As a parent of a child with AD/HD, it is important to take care of yourself. The better you take care of yourself, the better you will be able to take care of your child. This month Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ph.D, will answer parents' questions on how to cope with and manage the Emotional Stressors of Parenting a Child with AD/HD.
About Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, Ph.D

Dr. Chronis-Tuscano received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 2002 from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She completed her training with an APA-accredited internship at the University of Chicago, where she received the Zanvel Klein Academic Award for excellence in clinical research and practice.

Dr. Chronis-Tuscano joined the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland in 2002, and directs the Maryland Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Program. She is also an Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine, Children's National Medical Center. She is a recipient of the American Psychological Association Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Junior Faculty Mentoring and Development Award and the CHADD Young Research Scientist Award.