Parents who are informed are able to make the best choices for their children.

This blog was created to be a source of information about events in the Western Washington State area for parents and educators of children with special needs and learning challenges.
If you have an event that is not listed here please e-mail us complete information.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

MOCHA Meeting - Autism Support Group for Parents

Date and Time (Please note date change):Saturday, Januray 15, 2011
from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Place: UVillage area Tully's, 3042A 45th Street, Seattle, WA 98105,

On the south side of UVillage right behind the Burgermaster
and shares a parking lot with FedEx Kinko's.

Meeting topic: Happy New Year! What are the 2 best things you did to help
your child in 2010? What were the 2 best gains, and what are 2
interventions you plan for 2011? Come with your ideas and comments on the
topic and we'll share information. Let's work together to make 2011 a
successful year for our kids and families!