Parents who are informed are able to make the best choices for their children.

This blog was created to be a source of information about events in the Western Washington State area for parents and educators of children with special needs and learning challenges.
If you have an event that is not listed here please e-mail us complete information.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sensory Friendly Movie - The Return of Nanny McPhee

What: Sensory Friendly Movie -- The Return of Nanny McPhee

When: Saturday, September 4, 2010 10:00 AM

Where: AMC Loew's Woodinville 12
17640 Garden Way
Woodinville, WA 98072
(888) 262-4386

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Interventions and Resources - MOCHA Meeting (Autism)

Septemeber 2010:

Date & Time: Saturday, September 25, 2010 from 10:00 am - 12:00pm

Topic: "Interventions and resources we've found to be helpful." Come
join us for some information and some time to share your/our experiences
on this journey.

Place: Canyon Park Tully's, just off I-405 at the Canyon Park exit,
right across the street from the QFC/Starbucks at 228th and
Bothell-Everett Highway. For those with special diets Tully's offers
different milk options: cow, soy and rice.
Tully's at Canyon Park - 22615 Bothell-Everett Highway, Bothell WA
98021, 425-487-3517. For directions see:
http://www.tullysco ffeeshops. com/storelocator /index.aspx

For those with special diets Tully's offers different milk options:
cow, soy and rice.
No RSVP needed, but always appreciated.
Contact: Janelle Hall, 206-371-5128,
tallcedars@comcast. net OR Sarah Richards, 425-260-1190,
buggy2005@comcast. net.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Homeschooling versus Public School

Homeschooling versus Public School

Alternative Learning Programs

What Are the Issues?

Join the Washington Homeschool Organization (WHO) as they present the
issues surrounding on-campus and virtual public school programs
currently being marketed to homeschoolers. Janice Hedin and Val
Howard, WHO Advocacy Committee members and long-time homeschoolers,
will help you understand the differences between these programs and
homeschooling, and why it really matters.

When: Thursday, August 26, 2010

Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Where: Puyallup Public Library

324 South Meridian

Puyallup, WA 98371

Cost: FREE, no registration required

 Washington’s homeschool law: its history and strengths

 History of Public School Alternative Learning Programs (PSALPs)

 Differences between homeschooling & PSALPs

 The current PSALP administrative code (rules)

 WHO’s efforts on behalf of homeschoolers in PSALP administration

 How the PSALP Programs affect and threaten homeschooling

 Alternatives to PSALPs

 What all parents can do to preserve homeschooling

For more information contact the

WHO Office

(425) 251-0439


Co-coordinator Sarah Phillipps (253) 537-9787

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

PC2 for Dev. Disabilities Leadership Training Class

PC2 for Developmental Disabilities is currently recruiting for its
2010-2011 Leadership Training Class!

Participants will receive training in Legislative Advocacy, Overview
of Developmental Disabilities’ History & Systems, Communication, Team
Building, & much more!! Graduates will become more effective
advocates for their children or loved ones who experience a
developmental disability.

Training Schedule:
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
December 3-5, 2010 (Legislative week-end in Olympia)
January, 2011 - Legislative Reception (in Olympia)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
March, 2011 - Advocacy Day (in Olympia)
April, 2011 - Individual Project Presentation
October, 2011 - Group Project

September 2010 training will be held at Pierce Co. Soundview Building,
3611 South D Street, Tacoma. Subsequent trainings will be held at
TACID, 6315 So. 19th St., Tacoma. Childcare reimbursement stipends are
available. For more information or an application, please call PC2 at

Gluten Free Night Angels vs. Mariners

Gluten Free Night
Angels vs. Mariners
Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 7:10 p.m.
Gates Open: 5:10 pm / First Pitch: 7:10 p.m.

Round up your friends and family members and join the Seattle Mariners
for Gluten Free Night on Tuesday, August 31! Special discounted group
seating has been reserved and is available for you to purchase online.
The concession stand near Section 347 will exclusively feature the
Gluten Free menu, including hot dogs and buns. Gluten Free beer will
be available at that stand along with other stands near the special
section. Gluten Free fish & chips are always available on the Terrace
Club by Section 249 (open to all).

* DEADLINE TO PURCHASE: Monday, August 30 at NOON.
* Game Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 - 7:10 p.m.
* Pricing: $11 View Reserved (normally $20)

PAVE Helping Parent Program

There is an opportunity to become a Helping Parent through PAVE. They
will be having an 8-hour Parent to Parent training (broken into two
sessions) that will cover the following areas:
1) Communication Skills and Emotional Response
2) Coping Strategies
3) Parent to Parent procedures and Community Resources
4) Family to Family Health Care and Information

After the training you become a Helping Parent. When a call comes in
from a parent that just received a diagnosis and wants to talk with
another parent, a helping parent is matched to be a resource for that
person. If you are interested and would like more details, please
contact Susan Jackson at PAVE via email at

NEW TOPSoccer Group in Pierce County Area

A new TOPSoccer group is forming in the south Pierce County area.
TOPSoccer is a great opportunity for kids with any diagnosis to
participate in soccer and have a one-on-one buddy to help facilitate
their experience.

TOPSoccer in the South Pierce County Area will meet at:
Tillicum Elementary School
8514 Maple Street SW
Lakewood, WA

It's very convenient for military families and right off I-5. The
coach has 10 years experience working with special needs children and
20 years playing and coaching soccer. We will be meeting Sundays from
3-4pm. There will be a parent meeting beforehand, unfortunately we
are still waiting on the okay for field usage. The great thing about
TOPSoccer, each child will have their own buddy! If you prefer to
furnish your buddy for your child, please let us know.

If you are interested, you will need to register with the Washington
Youth Soccer, at:
-You will see another link that will open up to the actual registration page.

If you have questions, please contact Jennie directly at or via phone at 206.366.5633.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Free Event Sept 9th, Kirkland Library - Speaker Blake Boles presente

Teaching Parents Association (TPA), who
provides information, support and activities to Eastside Homeschool
families is proud to welcome Blake Boles! This special FREE presentation
on September 9th from 7:00-9:00 PM at the Kirkland Library is for
parents and teens to discuss transitions between high school and college
in a casual Q&A format.

**Seating is limited to 130 in the venue. Please RSVP to
Julie@valvanos. com if you are able to attend.

Blake Boles works extensively with teens outside of traditional high
school. Blake designs and leads international adventures and domestic
leadership programs for self-directed teens through his company Unschool
Adventures. He is the author of College Without High School, the former
acting director of a wilderness summer camp, and an advisor to
unschooling teens at Not Back to School Camp.

After a traditional public school upbringing and halfway through an
astrophysics major at UC Berkeley, Blake read a John Taylor Gatto book
and immediately rearranged his major to exclusively study the wide world
of alternative education. He has worked as an outdoor science teacher,
snowboarding market researcher, high-volume cook, freelance web
designer, and windsurfing and tree climbing instructor. He's most often
found in California or Oregon, and he travels widely.

Blake holds a B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley,
Wilderness First Responder certification, and Wilderness First Aid
instructor certification. When not working with teens, Blake enjoys
ultra-light backpacking, Frisbee, cappuccinos, couch surfing, and
never-ending reading & writing.

(In addition Blake will be selling his book College Without High School,
via PayPal. Just send $17 to the account "yourstruly@blakebol".
Blake will bring the number of books equal to the number of orders
received (plus a few for parking lot stragglers).

Thank you and hope to see you there,

Julie Valvano, TPA President

Please feel free to forward to other homeschool groups or individuals
that may be interested in attending this event. It is important that
everyone RSVP.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Institute for Excellence in Writing Programs

Institute for Excellence in Writing presents
Four Days of writing workshops
with Andrew Pudewa

The College of Idaho (Simplot Hall, South Dining Room)
2112 Cleveland Blvd, Caldwell, ID 83605

Dates: September 8-11, 2010

Please forward this message to friends and colleagues!
For more information or to register for these events,
please visit
or call 800.856.5815

Wednesday, Sept. 8:
Introductory Student Workshops*
Workshops for those students with little or no previous IEW experience
Cost: $20.00 per student
• Grades 2–4 9:00 AM–11:00 AM
• Grades 5–7 11:30 AM–1:30 PM
• Grades 8–10 2:00 PM–4:00 PM

Thursday, Sept. 9:
Advanced Student Workshops*
A day of classes for those students with a year or more of IEW experience
Cost: $25.00 per student.
• Story Writing (Grades 3-8) 8:30 AM–11:00 AM
• Research (Grades 5-10) 11:30 AM–2:00 PM
• Creative Writing (Grades 5-10) 2:30 PM–5:00 PM

Thursday, Sept. 9: PUBLIC EVENING WORKSHOP – NO CHARGE 7:00–8:30 PM Nurturing Excellent Communicators: The Power of Linguistic Patterns
Many parents think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that—a natural ability—some have it; others don't. Both are myths. History and modern research show very clearly how good writers have developed. What are the two most critical things you can do as a parent to develop a high level of aptitude, from a young age and into high school? With humor and insight, Andrew will share the two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators in your family.

Friday, Sept. 10:
Mini Conference for Homeschooling Parents & Teachers
Join Andrew for one session or the whole day of seminars selected especially for your educational community.
Cost: $50.00 per family for the whole day or $15 per session per person.
• 8:30–10:00 AM Reaching the Reluctant Writer
• 10:15–11:45 AM Developing the Essayist
• 12:45–2:15 PM Spelling & the Brain
• 2:30–4:15 PM The Four Deadly Errors of Teaching Writing

Saturday, Sept. 11: High School Essay Intensive
8:30 AM–3:30 PM
For students preparing for college
Cost: $50 Accompanying Parent: $25.00 (Grades 9–12)
Get immediate experience and inside tips on how to do your best on the
SAT or ACT essay. Also includes strategies for composing the college
application personal essay.

*The Student Workshops are enjoyable, informative and motivating for the children who attend, but they are also meant to serve as demonstration classes. Parents are encouraged to remain in the room, observing and participating with their child. Please make arrangements for the care of non-enrolled siblings. At least one parent must register for one or more sessions of the Friday Mini Conference to enroll students in the Student Workshops. Please register early as these workshops fill fast. Sorry, no enrollment accepted at the door for Student and High School Workshops.

For more information or to register call 800.856.5815 or visit

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer Events and Activities for Children with Special Needs

Vancouver/Clark Parks and Recreation
Access to Recreation
Day Camps and Classes
Theresa: (360) 487-7058

Vancouver Autism/Asperger Game Club
6:30 to 9:30 p.m the last Friday of the
Month. Fun for the whole family
@ Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church
Kori: 609-2864

Game Club - North Vancouver
6:30 to 9:30 pm for kids 5 to 13 years
@ Manor Evangelical Church
Tana Fitzhum: 360-247-7085

Northwest Down Syndrome Association
Open Arms Play Group
Abby (360) 775-3107

Friends On The Spectrum (FOTS)
Sue Ann Murphy
(360) 907-5084

We're Outta Here Travel
Supported Adult Vacations
Sandy Silveria
(360) 607-8007

Playtime with Zeebu
Kim Gallo

Special Olympics
Elizabeth Francis

Vancouver United TOPSoccer Program
June 21 through August 23 (10 weeks)
$30 email for information: VUTOPSoccer@

Columbia River Miracle League
www.columbiarivermi racleleague. org
contact Bobbi Ferenchak 360-518-4790
bb.fern@gmail. com

Occupational Therapy Summer Intensives Classes
Handwriting, Social and Thinking Groups, yoga, OT,
Auditory Integration, etc
Vancouver: 360-885-4684
Portland: 503-245-5639

Faith Based Activities Groups:

Joyful Noise
Music experience activity for all ages
Meets one time a week
Good Shepard Community Church
For information: Mona at 360-624-3847

All for One - Saturday Night Worship
Dinner and Socialization
Two times monthly
Messiah Lutheran Church
Call 360-574-7081 for information
For adults and young adults

Wednesday Night Live
Skits, music, etc.
St John Lutheran Church
Call Mona at 360-624-3847
For teens and young adults


Adventures Without Limits
Forest Grove, OR ages 9 - 18
4 day summer camp with one night sleep over.
Hiking, environmental studies, rock climbing, rafting, canoeing, kayaking.
Run by the Community Based Activity Program. Contact: Jill Weir 503-359-2568 or go to www.awloutdoors. com

Autistic Childrens Activity Program
Six sites in Portland, Hillsboro, Gresham, Sellwood and West Linn. Day Camp for children 4 - 18 on the Autism Spectrum. Contact Rosemary Chapman 503-978-3989

Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp
Serves people 9 - 35 of all physical and special needs.
Six day residential camp Contact Nancy Zemel 503-452-7416

Esther Short Park - Vancouver, WA
Saturday, August 7th, 2010. 5:00 pm race start.
5K run followed by block party, beer gardens and vendors of all kinds. Most proceeds benefit the Arc of Clark County. Register today
www.skirtchaser5K. com
4th Friday Lunch and Tour